Advanced Breakthrough Fire Scroll Training Course (Available In-Studio) - By Ryan Kucharew (Live by Faith and Be a Hearer and Doer of God's Word - James 1:22)

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Advanced Breakthrough Fire Scroll Training Course (Available In-Studio) - By Ryan Kucharew (Live by Faith and Be a Hearer and Doer of God's Word - James 1:22)


Ryan wants to humbly share with you 20+ years of Holy Spirit Led Revelation Knowledge training - how to breakthrough into the bonded INCHRIST state - completely opposite to the course of this world. By doing this Yahweh is magnified.

*Ryan will provide for you personally - Virtual Coaching for 4 sessions - to give you the basic thrust into starting the Firescroll Course - A School without Barriers. Fortified in Faith / Anchored on God’s Word - Eyes on Excellence - Do Good everywhere. Be a hearer and doer of God’s Word when prompted.

Re-Kindle your passion for God. You can powerfully help others through Christ - You are God’s delivery person who He has chosen.

The important of developing faith further because - Without Faith its impossible to please God - Hebrews 11:6

New strategies to love your neighbour as yourself - (Luke 12:31) Do good everywhere.

Prerequisites - reader must have the baptism of the Holy Ghost to understand key revelations - the scroll is spiritually discerned. Must have a teachable spirit.

No extra biblical scripture - Powerful revelation knowledge and scripture - The delivery of the Word that will ignite your flame.

In this step-by-step Holy Spirit directed course - Ryan teaches you on paper from the Fire Scroll.

satan is the prince of the power in the air - the demons are powerful agents but have been brought to nothing when Jesus rose from the dead - He made public spectacle of them, triumphing over them - stronger is He who is in us than he (satan) who is on the earth.

Ryan teaches you how to stay truly empowered and maintain this break-through faith lifestyle state by abiding in Jesus daily. When you are in this In-Christ state you are fully Led and dominated by the Holy Spirit to perform the will of God / Mighty deeds on the earth.

It’s perfect for the Christian who feels blown around by the waves of the sea - tossed to and fro by satan and his co-horts - the cares of this world have set in - Cast your cares upon Jesus.

In this powerful Holy Spirit Revelation Knowledge manuscript - you will never want to turn back because you will have the blessing in effect with signs following during your weekly walk with Christ - So you can be a blessing to other people.

*Learn more about the Lion of Judah - Christ in you, the hope of glory - the King of Glory can fully dominate your life - and truly shepherd you.

This revelation knowledge is expounded from the Masoretic Hebrew & Greek Canon - the 66 books of the authorized version.

The Course is personally taught in Studio by The Holy Spirit / Ryan.

If your already an advanced Holy Spirit led believer - It’s not that you haven’t heard these verses before…. but it’s the delivery of them - the effect on your spirit man. The Fire Scroll is a culmination of many years of intimate sessions with the Holy Spirit & Christ.

Other Highlights:

*Share the good news - that Jesus rose from the dead for you and me - in a fresh, dynamic way - new strategies (Street Ministry Components / Enhancements)

*Use your faith / Word of God as a tool and have powerful faith endeavors form in your spirit man - only do what you see the father doing - this is possible from the INCHRIST breakthrough state.

*The importance of knowing where you came from and where you are going.

*Re-develop your first love relationship with God - through His son Jesus Christ - truly abide in him - get back on the strait and narrow path to perform the will of God in an effective way.

*Get invaded by the Holy Spirit - be completely led and dominated by Him.

*Its not about persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and of power…Faith rests on the power of God - 1 Corinthians 2:4

*You can be a new creation container of the Mishchah (Anointing) - get a Holy Schematic from the treasury of Christ - He is looking for someone to plow the field and pioneer something - move into a deeper relationship in Christ Jesus. A true transformation.

*For the born-again believer - It should be - that its not you living - but Christ living through you - Galatians 2:20 - When we decrease, He Increases - John 3:30 (We are dead and live InHim - Romans 6:8)

*Cultivation of the Heart - Implantation of the seed.

*Teaching on Greek Zoe - fortification with the spirit of life - with Christ Jesus.

*The Fervent decree and declare of a righteous man availeth much.

*Staying on course (If you are in the Flow - You Know) - Daily Commune with God (James 4:8) - The importance of not neglecting time with Him and building Holy Spirit Power. (Hebrews 10:25)

*Become a burning purged vessel of honor fit for His use to perform special mighty deeds for Him.

*Graduate with the Anointing of the Holy Ghost. Humility, faith with demonstration - expand your Revelation Knowledge - be a doer of the Word not just a hearer…..

Donation if you are prompted to.

All proceeds go towards this Holy Spirit Led Ministry of Training / Equipping of believers worldwide for the works of service. (Ephesians 4:12-13)

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